Brain cells are the most complex long-living and nutritionally demanding cells in the body. Scientific studies have shown that intelligence, memory, behavior, and concentration are all influenced by the quality of brain nutrition.
Dr. Michael Murray
Meet Stevenie
"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food." -Hippocrates
I love food. I love how the right kind of food for my unique body can change my mood for the better, reduce anxiety, ease my aches and pains, and provide the energy I need to accomplish my goals for the day. My journey to becoming Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition started years ago when I first realized this power of real whole food. I had been struggling with anxiety and depression for years and desperately wanted to get my life back. I had to try something different because the conventional way wasn't working for me. It was only when I changed my diet and started to eat more whole foods that the dark clouds started to lift. I was amazed at how my mind and body thrived off of this simple change. Why and how did these whole foods make such a difference in my well being? What is this gut-brain connection and how does it work? In comes the beginning of my education in Holistic Nutrition, along with many years of research and learning from top experts in the field of digestive wellness.
I understand how it feels to be frustrated when wanting to be healthy but not knowing just how to get there. I also know that it is possible to transform your health, and thus your life, using food and natural strategies. Biochemical individuality states that we are each unique and our biological make-up and requirements are different. What works for one person, will not necessarily work for another. It is no wonder that mass market nutrition has failed us. I will take my years of training and create a personalized science based nutrition and lifestyle plan that will work uniquely for you. With step-by-step guidance, I will help you reach your health goals.
As a Holistic Nutrition and Restorative Wellness Practitioner, I've learned how to support the following health issues using diet and lifestyle modifications as well as objective testing:
Digestive Issues (Leaky Gut Syndrome, IBS, SIBO, Gerd, Heartburn, Bloating, etc.)
Food Intolerances and Allergies
Stress Management & Adrenal Fatigue
Mood Disorders- Anxiety & Depression
Hormonal & Blood Sugar Balance
Autoimmune Conditions
Skin Issues
Weight loss & Healthy Detox
Liver Support & More
It is my mission to share with you the power of whole food so that you can live the life you were meant to live. Let's get started...
Education and Certifications:
Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition®, (BCHN®), NANP
Restorative Wellness Practitioner, (RWP-1), Mastering the Art and Science of Gastrointestinal Healing
Nutrition Consultant, with Honors, (NC), Bauman College, Berkeley, CA
Holistic Clinicals Course (500 Hrs), Dr. Lori Rose, Hill College, Hillsboro, TX
Certified Gluten Practitioner, (CGP), Dr. Tom O'Bryan
The Art of Digestive Wellness Certificate, Elizabeth Lipski, PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMCP, BHCN, LDN